
Workplace safety: lifting health work

One of the biggest concerns in the workplace is lifting and loading. When you lift something, the load on your spine increases and your spin...

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Back health for frequent drivers health work

Our province is beautifulā€”and expansiveā€”making driving necessary to get where we need to be. Whether itā€™s a work commute, road trip or occup...

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Chiropractic for treating stress health home work

Think of your body like a car. If the engine in your car is overburdened and not performing normally; the acceleration, transmission and fue...

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Fall chores: keeping it safe health home

With the long, hot days of summer behind us, many people are turning their thoughts to fall chores like raking leaves and cleaning out gutte...

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Minimize pregnancy-related back pain fitness health

Did you know that at least half of pregnant women experience back pain? And 10% of those report discomfort severe enough to disrupt their da...

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Stretches for every kind of cyclist fitness health home

Choosing the right bike for you is important to keep your body pain-free, and a bike shop can help fit you appropriately.Ā But choosing a bik...

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