
Watch your back this winter: lift right and shovel light to reduce risk of pain and injury fitness health home

Heavy snowfall and wintery conditions, you say? Bring it on! Alberta’s chiropractors have your back.

“Snow shoveling, slips and falls are s...

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Holiday health tips health home

Here are some helpful tips from Alberta’s chiropractors to ensure your holiday season is full of joy and pain free:

  • If you have to drive
  • ...
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Heads-up on helmets fitness health home

Today’s lightweight helmets are comfortable, aerodynamically designed and look great, too. Fitting your helmet properly and replacing it whe...

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The holiday season is coming: don't made gift-wrapping a pain home

With the stress of the holidays, there isn’t much time to think about how your gift wrapping spree can be hard on your body. Wrapping presen...

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Back to school: back to healthy sleep habits health home

With kids back in school, it’s important to help them get their sleep habits and schedule back on track. Poor sleep and fatigue can lead to ...

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Chiropractic: feel better. Move better. Live better. fitness health home

Each year close to one million Albertans find relief from pain and lead healthier, more active lives thanks to chiropractic care.  More than...

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