
Weight lifting and back health fitness health

For those who are looking to get into weight lifting, it is important to have the rightĀ weight lifting technique to avoid injury, especially...

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How chiropractors can help prevent common hockey injuries fitness

Whether youā€™re in the big leagues or little leagues, or just going for a recreational skate at an outdoor rink, hitting the ice can have som...

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Avoiding injury while running or jogging fitness health

Running or jogging can be a great exercise; however, it can take its toll on your body in particular your joints, increasing your chance of ...

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How to stay active all year long (even when the weather is miserable) fitness health

Letā€™s be honest; no matter what our commitments to keeping active are, the weather outside can have some powerful veto powers on those plans...

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How to protect your body while cycling fitness

Cycling in Alberta has seen a spike in popularity, trading in the car for a bicycle has become more commonplace than ever. Some cyclists str...

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Chiropractic for tennis elbow fitness health

Tennis elbow is a misleading name for a common injury.

While tennis players can be affected by this problem, it also affects baseball playe...

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