Member Forum Registration 2025
Register here to attend a forum. Scroll down to view location details.
Forum locations details and registration deadlines
Edmonton: January 28, 7pm - 9pm, Royal Mayfair Golf Club, 9450 Groat Rd NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 2T5
- Registration deadline: January 20, 2025
Northern Alberta: Feb 11, 7pm - 8pm, virtual meeting. A link will be sent to registrants and it will be hosted on Zoom.
- Registration deadline: February 8, 2025
Red Deer: February 25, 7pm - 9pm, Moxies (Sandman) 2828 Gaetz Ave, Red Deer
- Registration deadline: February 11, 2025
Calgary: March 18, 7pm - 9pm, Silver Springs Golf & Country Club, 1600 Varsity Estates Dr NW, Calgary, AB T3B 2W9
- Registration deadline: March 11, 2025
Southern Alberta: April 1, 7pm-8pm, virtual meeting. A link will be sent to registrants and it will be hosted on Zoom.
- Registration deadline: March 28, 2025